Happy New Year! Is 2016 YOUR year? I hope so.

It’s a time to reflect back but more importantly look forward to 2016. Remember those goals I talked about back in October? Pull those out and post them in your office, so you are continually reminded about what you want to accomplish in 2016. Are you doing something big or small every day to get to those goals? Again, this will keep you accountable.

Several of the goals for SMPS is growing our chapter through membership, increasing the number of sponsors, improving communication to our members and non-members, and growing our collaboration efforts with other industry organizations. We want to continue to provide amazing programs for our industry and increase the level of business development and marketing in the AEC industry. We have almost 50 members and our goal is to reach 60 by August 31, 2016. Our sponsorship goals include 6 silver sponsors, 6 lunch sponsors, 3 webinar sponsors, and 3 Sunny Side Up sponsors (new sponsorship opportunities).

The SMPS board also puts together this monthly newsletter to help communicate what is and what will be going on in the chapter. We put together a challenge to name the newsletter, which will now be called the Scene. Thanks to Tami Hadley with iSi Environmental/iSi Industrial Services for coming up with the idea.

We continue to reach out to other industry organizations to partner with on upcoming educational lunch programs, job site tours, and socials. This will just strengthen our chapter and market SMPS to other organizations who are unaware of what SMPS does and how it elevates marketing and business development in the A/E/C industry. If you are involved in another industry organization and are interested in partnering with SMPS, please talk to myself or our program director, Brett Weller.

Thanks to all of you who are committed to SMPS. Share the knowledge with others in our industry to enhance the business development and marketing in our industry.

Happy New Year! Cheers!

Lindsay Signature

Lindsay L. Young, CPSM

SMPS Wichita Chapter President


A Side Note: We would like to congratulate Brandy Willett with Central Consolidated, Inc. on being appointed SMPS Wichita Chapter President-Elect. Our previous President-Elect, Eric Edwards, took a marketing position at Hoefer Wysocki in Kansas City, and Brandy is able to take on the additional responsibility of President-Elect. Thanks, Brandy!