Holiday Cheer & Changes in the New Year!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah! Whatever religion or holiday you celebrate, December is a time to rejoice and rejuvenate. It’s a time to spend time with family and friends and reflect on the past year. Evaluate where you have been, where you are currently, and then decide where you want to go.

In January, SMPS Wichita is bringing some change to our chapter. As I have stated in previous notes, our board put together a strategic plan which is to communicate and be more transparent with our membership and supporters of SMPS. In doing this, we will be changing our monthly lunch meetings to the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at Abode Venue, and slightly increasing the cost to attend our meetings passing on our credit card and processing fees. The board didn’t take lightly raising prices and there was thorough discussion about raising the price, which will only be $1 or $2 depending on member or non-member ticket. The Chapter will also be raising the cost to attend panels, which will be $35 for members and $50 for non-members. The decision to increase prices also factored in another advantage to being a member, as members receive added benefit (lower ticket prices, free webinars and lunchtime learning labs, access to and other online resources, etc.).

The program committee has done a tremendous job putting together some fantastic programs for 2016. Part of the membership survey helped us determine our programs along with one-on-one interviews with owners and principals of member firms. You will be seeing all six domains of practice covered throughout our program year.

Should you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or a board member. We are happy to help. Remember to mark your calendars for the SECOND WENDESDAYs of the month at Abode Venue, so you don’t miss our programs!


Lindsay Signature

Lindsay L. Young, CPSM

SMPS Wichita Chapter President