MARKENDIUM | SMPS’s Body of Knowledge

image001 (1)SMPS’s Body of Knowledge, called MARKENDIUM is a resource regarding the successful practice of marketing and business development (BD) in the A/E/C industry. MARKENDIUM is constructed of six separate printed books or six online courses. Each book and each online course covers one SMPS domain of practice: Marketing Research, Marketing Planning, Client and BD, Proposals, Promotional Activity and Management.

Each book also contains case studies, theory-in-practice tips, reflections, and a glossary of key terms. Individual books are available at for $26.50 each. If you would like the entire set, it has not yet been uploaded to Amazon nor to the SMPS store, but should be soon.

The online courses will be 25 minutes each and are self-paced and interactive. SMPS is currently showing a “Coming Soon” still but they should be available soon as well.  They will be found at, along with SMPS’s other webinars and classes.

This fall, SMPS will be holding virtual town hall meetings to discuss how to take advantage of MARKENDIUM as learners, chapters and firm owners.

Eventually, MARKENDIUM will be the basis of the CPSM examination and learning materials, replacing The Marketing Handbook. SMPS says this will not be come into effect for at least a year. Core features of MARKENDIUM will also be incorporated into the Marketer magazine and the annual Build Business conference.