Help Us Reach Our Goals

Setting goals are always important. Last summer at our SMPS Wichita planning meeting, we set membership and sponsorship goals for our chapter. Half way through our board year, we re-evaluated our goals and looked at the market to determine if we needed to adjust our goals. We did adjust our goals for both membership and sponsorship.

For our board year, we are slightly below our goals. Our goal is to have 55 members by August 31, 2016, and we currently have 49. We’d like to challenge each our members to help us reach our membership goal by the end of August. If you know of someone who regularly attends or who hasn’t attended at all, but would be a good fit for SMPS Wichita, contact Candace Wilson, our membership director, at She can get the individual membership information.

For our sponsorships, we still need to have a 2 more lunch sponsors for our programs. It’s a great deal at $300 per lunch and the company gets 3-5 minutes to talk about their products and/or services at the luncheon. Sponsorships help our chapter bring in top notch speakers and programs adding more value to our membership. For our all day marketing workshop in October, we are looking for sponsors for this specific event. If your company or a vendor/supplier you know would like to be in front of marketing and business development individuals, then contact Jeff Weiford, our sponsorship director, at, to get signed up. We are also open to custom sponsorship opportunities. Contact Jeff today!

I’d like to thank our current and sustaining members and sponsors for your continued support. We appreciate all our members and sponsors we currently have for SMPS Wichita! We couldn’t do what we do without your financial support. If you are a member and can utilize our sponsors, please do so! That’s what SMPS is all about.

Lindsay Signature

Lindsay L. Young, CPSM

SMPS Wichita Chapter President