You Only Get Out What You Put In

Summer is just around the corner, and many of you are signing your kiddos up for summer activities, attending graduations, and planning summer vacations. May is a busy month, but what month isn’t these days? For those that didn’t attend this month’s speed networking event, you missed out… big time. We had a good turnout and those that attended gave raving reviews and asked for a repeat event. Both professional and fun questions were asked and answered. One was, “If you were a car, what car would you be?” I said a Ferrari; I guess because it’s fast and powerful.

Anyway, it was a fun and entertaining exercise and although we won’t immediately repeat this event, we are partnering with industry organizations for two upcoming programs in June. On June 28th , we will be touring the WSU Airbus building in conjunction with National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Wichita Chapter and Women in Commercial Real Estate (WICRE). On June 30th , we are partnering with the newly minted Wichita Design Coalition on the Second Annual Garden Party at the new Sedgwick County Zoo Elephants of the Zambezi River Valley Overlook. Please plan to attend both these events as there will be lots of time for networking.

Also, be sure to mark your calendars for October 12 for the all day MARKETING WORKSHOP! SMPS Wichita is bringing in AEC experts to help us write our 2017 marketing plans. You’ll have templates and a good outline to take back to the office and refine. We will be releasing more details this summer. If your company is interested in sponsoring the event, please contact our sponsorship director, Jeff Weiford.

Plan on attending these events and getting involved. Remember, you only get out of something what you put in.


Lindsay Signature

Lindsay L. Young, CPSM

SMPS Wichita Chapter President